Harewood Avenue, Pontefract, WF8 2ER

01977 330194


Harewood Centre Nursery School



The Nursery Class

In Nursery children develop strong relationships with all the adults in school, particularly their key person.  Harewood is a happy, friendly, inclusive and welcoming place for all children to play, learn and develop their independence. We offer our children the opportunity to follow their interests and show curiosity daily in our enabling environment. The children are provided with opportunities to embed the characteristics of effective learning through long uninterrupted play throughout the day.   Both the indoor and outdoor environments are extensive, inviting and offer challenge with open-ended high quality resources.

We recognise the importance of play as a vehicle for learning and provide opportunities for children to become deeply involved as they take things they already know and extend these in new ways that deepen their understanding. Children become ‘thinkers and doers’ making the links between their play and learning.

The Nursery staff are skilful practitioners who promote children’s independence, develop purposeful relationships and support them through meaningful interactions.  Play is open-ended and flexible, which means children can explore and experiment with confidence, take risks and challenge themselves at the limits of their capabilities, without fear of failure.

Stories, songs and rhymes are an integral part of the Nursery day, this enables children to develop their listening and attention, communication and language development, while broadening their vocabulary. Throughout their time at Harewood the children learn a range of songs linked different seasons, cultures and celebrations whilst also embedding more traditional number and Nursery Rhymes. We feel that this is so important that we participate in World Nursery Rhyme week every years. The children also enjoy learning Makaton signs linked to daily routines as well as the signs for songs.  Great rhymers make great readers!

  • Children are eligible to start Nursery the term following their 3rd birthday.
  • We offer 15 hours universal early years provision.
  • We also provide 30 hours early years provision during school term times, for eligible children. Subject to availability.
  • Fee paying sessions are available subject to availability.


We have embarked on The Curiosity Approach Accreditation January 2022 Cohort. Please keep your eyes on how this will transform our learning environment.

Our learning journey from Preschool through to the end of Nursery.

Nursery Planning 2022-2023

Summer 2 Medium Term Plan

Summer 1 Medium Term Plan

Spring 2 Medium Term Plan

Spring 1 Medium Term Plan

Autumn 2 Medium Term Plan

Autumn 1 Medium Term Plan

If you like to apply for a Nursery place, please contact school:

Telephone: 01977 791306 or Email: cvincent@harewood.wakefield.sch.uk