Harewood Avenue, Pontefract, WF8 2ER

01977 330194


Harewood Centre Nursery School

Headteacher welcome

I would like to welcome our wonderful parents, children, families and friends to Harewood Nursery School website. We have been working really hard to ensure that it is much more user-friendly.

Our Nursery is a very special place and is the only maintained Nursery school in Pontefract. I am immensely proud to be the headteacher of this wonderful Nursery school. We believe that children excel when they are welcomed into a safe, happy and stimulating learning environment.  Our friendly and dedicated staff ensure that the children are at the very heart of everything we do.

The core purpose of the school is to plant the seed for learning, by nurturing and growing the potential we recognise in each and every child.  All of our children are unique, therefore our qualified practitioners pride themselves in ensuring that the learning is bespoke to the child’s needs.  We offer a broad and balanced EYFS curriculum that is inclusive, exciting and engaging.  The rich, diverse cultural experiences contributes to developing the holistic child.  As a result our children thrive and leave us with valuable life skills in readiness for their next phase of their journey.

Our ethos coupled with our ‘In the moment’ approach to learning ensures that children can build good secure social interactions fostering mutual respect, harmony, and teamwork. We offer inclusive opportunities where all children can succeed.

Working in partnership is the most important ingredient in ensuring that every child gets the best possible start in life.  It is our mission to nurture and grow this special relationship with our parents and the diverse community we serve. We are champions of the 50things to do before you’re 5 in Wakefield and look forward to sharing your journey through these activities with us. We value your input so please feel free to approach either myself or a staff member to voice your views and share your child’s achievements with us in their online learning journal. This will only support us in in our quest for excellence.

We look forward to getting to know all the families in our Harewood Nursery School Community to make your child’s time with us the best experience it can be!

Miss Natalie Godfrey
